Baseball is known as America’s pastime. The reason for this is that MLB history is filled with tradition and is full of some of the sports industry’s greatest moments and greatest players.
An example of one of the most memorable moments in MLB history that made this sport America’s favorite pastime is one of the best Yankees pitchers of all time, Don Larson. Don Larson is the only pitcher to throw a perfect game on the biggest stage in baseball, the World Series. This means no hits and no walks were allowed during the game. This is just one of many impressive records that have been set in baseball and one most baseball fans remember for years to come.
Baseball fans have followed one team or another since they started liking the sport. Even though most people like to watch it on television, there is nothing like live baseball games. There is something about the atmosphere, fans, the thought that you could be a part of MLB history and game that makes a live event exciting.
There are many reasons why someone becomes a fan of baseball. Some of which include they like a particular player or team, they played the game themselves or they were introduced to MBL history and the sport by a friend or relative. No matter the reason all MLB teams are happy to have their fans because without them it wouldn’t mean as much.
In the past some Mlb baseball teams played in very small stadiums and did not have a lot of fans to support them, but that is MLB history. Most MLB games today are played in front of large crowds in state of the art stadiums that cost millions of dollars.
So it doesn’t matter if you are a passionate fan or the casual baseball fan you each have your reasons for liking baseball. The more fans baseball has means the more likely baseball will continue to grow as an America’s pastime and any fan will tell you that is a good thing.
Keep the sport growing by organizing baseball games for kids, this starts them off at an early age, helps them to learn the game and learn how to take enjoyment from playing it. This will help them to understand baseball and they may become super fans that know all about MLB history in the future.