In American League Baseball, there is one team that normally stands alone for its history, its fanaticism and its legacy. The New York Yankees, which are part of the American League East division, are one of the sport’s oldest franchises, and they often have the best stories to tell too. After all, they had some of the world’s most notable players on their rosters at one time or another, from Babe Ruth to Derek Jeter and countless others in between.
As anyone can normally see from the regular American League Baseball standings that are published online and in any newspaper around the country, the Yankees usually are at or near the top of the standings for virtually every day of the regular season. They are built for success and have always been that way, save for a few years here and there through the 1990s when they had little to be happy about. Other than this part of their legacy, though, the team has enjoyed much success. And its fans could not be happier, and they usually are much happier than the fans of all MLB teams combined because of this success.
Of all the MLB baseball teams out there today, the Yankees perhaps stand out for their legacy but also for their consistency as a team that will almost always appear at the top of the American League East standings. Just take one look at the NY Yankee schedule to see evidence of this. We already are almost halfway through the season, and the NY Yankee schedule has been difficult thus far, yet the team is still managing to win. Between injuries and some changes to its roster, it is amazing how the NY Yankee schedule seems to have more wins in it than losses, even including the idea that inter league play is ongoing throughout the season, so the team is playing teams that it is not necessarily all that familiar with either.
A closer look at the NY Yankee schedule will show just how much of an uphill battle this team has, and how it more than likely will win out in the end when the season is over. Even if the NY Yankee schedule is such that the team does not make it to first place by the end of the season, the team in all likelihood will still be a wild card contender. That is enough to keep fans happy.